India Summer

India Summer

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. (Aristotle)

I know that when we identify a problem in the United States that our government likes to "declare war" on the problem.

One day somebody decided there was a drug problem and so the US declared war on drugs. "The Drug War" was born. And what happened? Drugs became more widespread, used and advertised than ever.

One day a method was declared to be a problem. The methodology of "terror". Of course one problem of using the term "terror" is that it is subjective. I don't think it is a stretch to guess that a lot of the people our government or other governments have labeled "terrorists" would counter (often with tangible evidence) that in fact it is "we" that are the "terrorists". So there we stand calling each other terrorists, each with our list of terrorist atrocities committed by the other. But that is neither here nor there.

Our governments declared the "War on Terrorism". And what happened? Like drug use, "terrorism" has thrived and grown. It's become a global industry.

I think it fair to question our current approach to these issues. First of all, Hemp, industrial hemp and Cannabis being illegal is just wrong. It's just wrong. Alcohol is legal but Marijuana isn't? Tobacco is legal but Industrial hemp (which you can't get high from) is illegal? Go figure. Marijuana is a consciousness expanding drug if used correctly, among it's other medicinal qualities. Because of that and because hemp is a viable, inexpensive and sustainable energy alternative it is illegal. Opposed by who? None other than the petro-chemical corps that would be economically threatened by it's legalization.

How much money would be made by the US and state governments if Marijuana and hemp was controlled and regulated? How much illegal, black market, CIA drug trade would be cut out? What kind of dent would that make in the Drug War and our fake economies fake debt?

The CIA would have to invent a new drug to make up for it.

Anyway, the point I was going to make was that I think poverty throughout the world is a root cause of "terrorism". I hope the wealthy nations of the world choose to address and recognize the problem and hopefully....just hopefully not declare war on it but instead decide to do something constructive about it.

India Summer

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