India Summer

India Summer

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Saturday, August 08, 2009


Current mood: cooky/wacky

A fan wrote me...

or maybe it was a law enforcement official.

Or both... I don't know...

Anyway... she or he asked me if I was into incest.

I said I used to be, but that's just "kid stuff" now...

Now, I'm into bi-sexual incestuous necrophilia.

It's kind of like when you stop drinking Kool Aid and start drinking Coke.

It's a moment to savor... I mean how often do you get the chance to fuck a dead relative?

Especially one that you are attracted to?

©India Summer (I had Steven Wright's voice in my head on that one)

George Carlin once said you can joke about anything. He used rape as an example. It's all about context. I don't know exactly what the "Hate Speech" amendement says, but it sounds like Orwellian BS to me. I quite like it when people use words to reveal exactly who they are. It's nature's way of saying..."look out for that asshole!" I don't think we should curb people from saying ignorant shit. When someone calls me a "Nigger Fucker" or a "dyke", I know that he is really angry and that he is probably...probably a racist or homophobic. So I'm at the grocery store and I see him, I can dodge into a different isle before he screams at me again. And if he has a gun, I know I should hide from him...that guy...over there...the one that called me a "nigger-dyke-lover".

That was me being a smart ass and practicing "dark" humor in case you missed that. The first part was true, the rest was the smart ass/dark humor part. No! I didn't suffer incest or sexual abuse growing up! Nor have I fucked a dead relative. I don't mean "I can't recall..." I mean, I don't fuck my dead relatives or other people's relatives of that nature...meaning dead. I can't recall fucking anybody's dead relative. One time I fucked a guy named K%!@ in Des Moines. I thought he was dead or died soon after sex started. But it turns out he just fucked like he was dead. The four letter word for what we did is usually spelled F-U-C-K, but in this case it was spelled L-A-M-E.


  1. “Try everything once except folk dancing and incest.”

    Sir Thomas Beecham
