Good Morning class.
Please repeat after me.
The rain in Spain falls mostly on the plains. Now you.
Now try this one;
The Charlie Sheen Sex Machine Gene's SUV is at the bottom of the ravine.
Excellent! That was a hard one! (That's what she said!)
Class Dismissed.
Friday, February 05, 2010
To belabor a point
Current mood: contemplative
I got a good laugh out of it. I made it a joke on my blog, but seriously.... What is the first news I hear when I turned on the radio when I woke up? Well actually it was about the Toyota crisis, which is legit, but soon after it was "Charlie Sheen's SUV was found at the bottom of a 400 foot ravine off of Mulholland Dr..." "The actor reported it stolen..." Oh we go again... The Toyota Crisis and the Charlie Sheen Diversion. I'm gonna sing it again.... "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is just not the same..."
Get it? Charlie Sheen going ravine sledding in his SUV, Brett Favre changing his mind, Bradgelina and Jen having a 4-way with the three of them and Jeff Bridges' goatee is not news.'s a whole can of "mind your own business".
But SOMEONE chooses and decides which things you will hear as "News" from "legit" news organizations. (Organizations that have been telling you the way it is since Christ was making crosses look fat). So who is it that decides that all of these people's personal lives are your business and your news?
Are you really pissed off at Brett Favre or are you pissed off because the media keeps talking and bombarding you about him ad nauseum? Feel free to change the name of the person in that last sentence. Because I doubt if Brett Favre or Charlie Sheen or any number of "famous" people really want to be talked about all of the time in the media and public. Especially in a negative light. But it goes both ways. I'm already sick of hearing the non-stop Peyton Manning ego-blow jobs coming from the sports press...And I like Peyton!
Seriously? An athlete or entertainer retiring or unretiring is really serious news? Brittany Spears having a nervous breakdown is serious news (with on-going tv and video coverage for 2 years)..or Lindsey Lohan's for that matter? Why do we let them pollute us and manipulate us like this? They fill us with this crap and re-enforce it ad nauseum.
These are the things people inevitably ending up chatting about or joking or making small talk. Some people even get very serious and have serious discussions and tv panels to discuss these subjects. I'm guilty of doing it. Guilty as fuck. But the time we waste on this is time that could be much better spent by all of us focusing our attention elsewhere.
But I ask myself, who are these people making these decisions about what is relevant and serious news? Of all the things and important issues facing the world, why do we feed on the foibles of individual human beings in such a disproportionate way?
I submit, this is something we should be questioning...loudly and often. My first step has to been to swear off any sports coverage other than the sporting event and even then, I will watch it with the sound off. My husband usually tells me exactly what the announcer is about to say before he says it.....every time. Only without all the other BS that sports announcers gleefully spout. I've sworn off major old school news outlets and networks, other than for entertainment and comedy purposes. But mostly I've decided to try to watch my own thoughts and mouth as to what I am wasting time thinking about and talking about to other people. Just because they pipe this shit into my brain doesn't mean I have to be their unwitting minion and go on repeating it, discussing it, arguing about it life.
Just ask yourself when you listen to what they are talking about on the "News"... "Of all the things and issues in the world, why are they discussing this one I am listening to right now?" Ask yourself that. You may find it is a very important issue....or seems important or is arguably important. Other times you will find it to be really irrelevant, superficial and nonsense. Try to be objective when you ask. Not every story is going to be seen as important by everyone...but there are plenty of issues that connect us why aren't they talking about that instead?
I know...there are many subjects that are important to a lot of people and not important to a lot of others. So you may say..."well even though this isn't important to %50 of the people, it is important to the other %50....therefore it is important. That I will acknowledge is a given. Other articles or stories will be more skewed. You'll be able to recognize that the story is geared to a small percentage of the population. Sometimes you wont even really understand what they are talking about because it is aimed directly at a certain group. Ask yourself what that is all about? Investigate it, research it a little.
Of course the problem with my solution is that you have to actually watch MSM news and read their Newspapers and magazines and listen to their radio stations to see the patterns.
And like I said, I'm trying to swear those off except in small doses for the purposes of pissing me off and making me laugh.
Remember! Why are "they" telling me this on the news? Could the story time have been better used to inform me of more serious issues? Was it "newsworthy"? Who owns the media outlet and who pays the reporters for the news outlets that I get my news from?
Who owns the companies that own them? Who are these stories directed at? Why?
Who gains from me believing the slant that the news is reporting? When someone is presented as an "expert" on the news or an "analyst"...what are their credentials? Who are they affiliated with in their business dealings...who else do they work for or take money from?
It's hard work to get real news these always has been. Once it was probably too little news, too late. Now, it's too much "news-fake news" too often. And to deal with the tidal wave of bullshit from everyone (where everyone is in bed with everyone else) you really have to question every little thing, even the things that YOU WANT TO HEAR. Especially the things that you think you want to hear.
We, our opinions, our behavior are the targets of many interested parties and vested interests. Voting everyday with your dollar...and in which way you choose to vote with it is far more important (IMHO) than any vote you'll make for a President of the US. Voting everyday with your inner-opinion and your outer-opinion will make more of a difference in the long run than a 4-8 year hood ornament ever will in the oligarchy.
Can I get my news and information with a little less outright propaganda, bullshit, deception and diversions? I don't care how much it tastes like sugar! No, I know I can't, so I'll just have to keep my mind sharp and my eyes on you....
But I don't mean to give you my opinion here now, I really mean to ask you to ask for yourself.
Maybe you wont agree with me, maybe you will. Maybe if you haven't considered it, you will start to ask for yourself and you'll begin to see patterns emerging for yourself.
India Summer
and one more thing...."Retard, Retard, Retard!" I use it, I use that word a lot and I even refer to other people as "Retards" sometimes. But I like to say it like the guy in "The Hangover"... "Ra-tard". Another "News" story that isn't one... If I offended you by saying "retard" feel free to call me a whore and we'll be even. Shit, you can even call me a retard because sometimes I am a total retard.
I agree with you about all that celebrity stuff..
ReplyDeleteWell, you know, except for Tiger and Elin.
Oh my gosh, all she ever wanted was a faithful lapdog of a husband who supplied her with millions and millions of dollars.
And there he goes thinking only of himself, having sex with some very hot and sexy women! How dare him have pleasure without her approval!
Poor, Elin, poor poor Elin. When will all the madness end and our lives once again return to normal????
How are you holding up through this crisis, India, you okay babe? ;-)
Hi India. I stumbled upon your blog here while googling for some pics and vids of you to jerk off to (I'm typing this with only one free hand). Just want to say it's really sexy to see a porn girl like you who can be looked up to intellectually as well as be extremely fuckable. And that I'd give anything to see those gorgeous lips of yours around my cock-head! Keep it up (you're keeping mine up, that's for sure) and keep that triangle, don't shave it all off. Love, or should I say lust, Kim.