The word "hip" translates roughly as "wise" or "tuned in." A hippy is somebody who "knows" what's really happening, and who adjusts or grooves with it. Hippies despise phoniness; they want to be open, honest, loving and free. They reject the plastic pretense of 20th century America, preferring to go back to the "natural life," like Adam and Eve. They reject any kinship with the Beat Generation on the ground that "those cats were negative, but out thing is positive." They also reject politics, which is "just another game." They don't like money, either, or any kind of aggressiveness.
~Hunter S Thompson on the West Coast, San Francisco breed of Hippies
Hmm, I don't know why my comment from yesterday didn't post but I said that I guess I am a half hippy. I like to go with the flow and I hate phonies. I will say that I like modern conveniences though.